My Sisters Surprise Wedding in Belfast Ireland at The Old Inn in Crawfordsburn

So keeping a secret from your sister for a year is about the hardest thing you may ever have to you, especially when she skypes for advise on the photographer and wedding planning for her wedding, believe me.

So one big surprise for her when I got there, she was shocked but in the nicest way, then the party started, me taking it easy as broken ribs and heavy pain killers kept me seated mostly, but I managed to catch up with family and all the stories and what’s been going on over the years.

Photos the next day before the paid photographer came in and I also setup the video camera to capture some video of things here and there and interviews for some cool footage I wanted for later. And here it is for my sister and brother in law and all to see, enjoy. Photos are also posted so enjoy those. 

The Video

The Images