Kenneth Light Stuidios

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, what do we do when we are not shooting weddings?

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, what do we do when we are not shooting weddings?  We simply ramble.  When we are not marketing or networking or working out what’s the next best thing we can do for our “clients”.  You’re learn I hate that word and not many things in this life that I will use that word Hate.

As once a couple books with me, after the engagement session and love story, we soon transition into a new area, don’t take my word, go on Facebook and ask my “friends” yes I said friends as that’s what they all become, it’s a very personal connection we make and I love it.

So on with the ramble of old Swindon town, I grew up here, this is my home so I took a walk with my camera in search of some of my old past in Old Town Swindon.

Enjoy the photos

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, at Queens Park

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, Kenneth Light Studios does the first shoot with model building Hannah Bracken’s portfolio, at Queens Park, my first shoot in Swindon Wilshire at a park I have not really visited in years, it was a true pleasure.  Hannah had not modeled in a while but soon got into the swing of things and had a blast as did I.

The colors in the park at Queens Park were awesome, ahh nice to be back in good old Swindon Town. Now to get ready for some bridal shows, onward we go, Brides, you have no idea what’s in store, think weddings are just photos and books, new things on top of what I was doing in the USA are coming to Swindon and London, the likes of what has never been seen before.

All for new brides right here in England!
Kenneth Light Studios Swindon Wedding Photographers is going to be the one place a bride must go to!

Swindon Wedding Photographers, Kenneth Light Studios and Hannah Bracken at Queens Park in Swindon Wiltshire

More Bridal images from the last shoot in the USA

Here are the last of the image from the Bridal shoot in Charlotte North Carolina USA, From now on it’s all England onwards and Networking started in Swindon, tomorrow is a portrait shoot with a lady and those images will be posted soon at an old park I used to go through every single day as a kid in Swindon, called Queens Park.  Watch for those images but for now enjoy these.

My Sisters Surprise Wedding in Belfast Ireland at The Old Inn in Crawfordsburn

So keeping a secret from your sister for a year is about the hardest thing you may ever have to you, especially when she skypes for advise on the photographer and wedding planning for her wedding, believe me.

So one big surprise for her when I got there, she was shocked but in the nicest way, then the party started, me taking it easy as broken ribs and heavy pain killers kept me seated mostly, but I managed to catch up with family and all the stories and what’s been going on over the years.

Photos the next day before the paid photographer came in and I also setup the video camera to capture some video of things here and there and interviews for some cool footage I wanted for later. And here it is for my sister and brother in law and all to see, enjoy. Photos are also posted so enjoy those. 

The Video

The Images