Swindon Ra

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, what do we do when we are not shooting weddings?

Wedding Photographers in Swindon, what do we do when we are not shooting weddings?  We simply ramble.  When we are not marketing or networking or working out what’s the next best thing we can do for our “clients”.  You’re learn I hate that word and not many things in this life that I will use that word Hate.

As once a couple books with me, after the engagement session and love story, we soon transition into a new area, don’t take my word, go on Facebook and ask my “friends” yes I said friends as that’s what they all become, it’s a very personal connection we make and I love it.

So on with the ramble of old Swindon town, I grew up here, this is my home so I took a walk with my camera in search of some of my old past in Old Town Swindon.

Enjoy the photos